$20,000/mo-$640,000/mo In 9 Months

Catalyst Holdings partners with seasoned business Nomad Micro Homes, a B2B and B2C micro home company to accelerate their growth from $20,000/mo to $640,000/mo in 9 months


Nomad Micro Homes is a B2B and B2C business that engineers and builds tiny homes using patented technology for personal or commercial use. Nomad Micro Homes had a cutting edge product, but had no business strategy and relied on referrals, word of mouth, trade shows, and the occasional "luck" of having someone make a video about them online. This all resulted in Nomad Micro homes averaging $20,000/mo.

Given Nomad Micro Homes was founded by Ian Kent (Noah, Co Founder of Catalyst Holding's Father), he had wanted to work with Noah for years. Then, after Noah exited a tech company and began to wonder "what's next", he took the job to help scale Nomad Micro Homes through what is today known as Catalyst Holdings on a performance basis.

When Catalyst first started working with Nomad Micro Homes, there was a lot of work to do. This was because despite the fact they had been in business for 9 years they had no acquisition strategy and no sales team. Nomad was more or less a small team of intelligent engineers that sat around and waited for people to ask them to build them a tiny home. This led to Ian wondering if all the work he had put in was ever going to pay off - a gut wrenching feeling after you leave your job and dedicate 9 years to building a product.

As Catalyst got involved we understood what the cause of their problems were

  • No customer acquisition channel
  • No sales team to handle leads
  • Weak overall marketing

Once Catalyst noted down their problems, we put a plan in place to fix it:

Customer Acquisition Channel

The first problem was that Nomad had no predictable way to acquire customers. Because of this the first thing Catalyst Holdings did was take ownership over build a paid ads acquisition strategy run the ad accounts using Catalyst's internal team.

Sales Team Build

The next problem we had to solve was the fact Nomad had no sales team. So, given we were geared up for an influx of new leads, the Catalyst team began to interview sales reps via a few of our partner sales companies and built a team of 4 closers and setters to set appointments and close.

Marketing Makeover

The last thing we had to do was a complete overhaul of their marketing. Up until this point, the "marketing" was more or less a lot of engineer product talk. So, we did some research into why people buy Nomad based on past customers. Our research found that 80% of people purchased a Nomad to use as a rental property for supplemental income. With this finding, we changed our messaging to talk about the benefits of buying a Nomad for rental reasons and targeted states where this was a profitable venture.


Within months, Nomad Micro Homes soared to $640,000/mo, we scaled our ad accounts beyond 6 figures and for the first time ever, had more customers than we could handle. More importantly though, Ian Kent finally got to see all his hard work pay off and his life was forever changed. In addition to that, Nomad began to do team retreats to places like Costs Rica which built lifelong relationships and impacted everyone involved lives in ways that wouldn't of been possible if Catalyst never partnered with Nomad.

And for Catalyst, our performance engagement resulted in $60,000+ service fees which we eventually transferred into equity as Nomad became our first equity partner.