$0-$40,000/mo In "Hard To Sell" Niche

Catalyst Holdings partnered with Optimability Performance solutions to scale their B2B consulting offer from $0 to $40,000/mo in 7 Months


Optimability Performance Solutions is a B2B consulting firm helping entrepreneurs and their teams maximize their health for maximum productivity. Optimability had a great service, but no one understood what it was or how it was worth the $5,000+ ticket price. This compounded with the fact their target demographic was less than 1% of entrepreneurs left Optimability struggling to get any clients that weren't friends/referrals.

After Dylan Wilson (Co Founder of Catalyst Holdings) completed a 100km ultramarathon, Martin and Ioan (Founders of Optimability) reached out to connect with Dylan. This led to some mutual consulting. Soon later, Optimability signed Noah Kent (Co Founder of Catalyst Holdings) before Dylan even knew who Noah was. Martin and Ioan eventually introduced Dylan to Noah and months later after they founded Catalyst Holdings, began to work with Optimability.

When Catalyst first started working with Optimability, there were some immediate issues that had to be addressed. Despite a personal brand of 10,000+ followers and consistent ad spent on Meta, Optimability was losing money on all of their client acquisition efforts. This led to them racking up the huge AMEX bill that kept Martin and Ioan up every night wondering if their business model was even possible.

As Catalyst got involved we understood what the cause of their problems were

  • Weak offer that didn't speak to their target markets pain points and desires
  • Overcomplicated sales process that just confused their prospects
  • Weak ad strategy and creatives

Once Catalyst noted down their problems, we put a plan in place to fix it:

Offer Adjustment

Optimability's old offer was more or less along the lines of "we'll optimize your life". The problem is that no one knew what that meant and why it would be worth $5,000. So, after some deep market research we identified the pain point to be lack of time and their dream outcome to "Look like superman while living like a king".

Sales Process Adjustment

The next problem Optimability had was in their sales process. To summarize the issue, they would spend 70% of their sales calls talking, most of which was about scientific stuff that the prospect didn't know or care about. So, the next action plan we put in place was to rewrite their sales process and pitch decks to only focus on the dream outcome they can provide, the people they've worked with in the past, and how little effort and sacrifice it takes to get the prospect their. Once this was complete, we did regular sales training with Optimability.

Meta Ads Campaign Strategy

Optimability's old ad strategy was to promote their weak offer to a book a call page. This resulted in $200-$300 cost per booked call. So, our plan was to create a front end offer where we could generate leads for cheap and upsell them into their high ticket offers from there. After creating a Skool community, Catalyst launched a Clickfunnels for them and then consulted with Optimability to create new ad creatives.

Preview of Optimability's Funnel


Soon after Catalyst and Optimability executed the plan, Optimability soared to $40,000/mo, their close rate massively increased, they built a loyal community, and their cost per booked call shot down from ~$250 - ~$60. But more importantly, the massive weight on Martin and Ioan's shoulders wondering if "this will work" was now alleviated. They have become more profitable and confident than ever, survived the AMEX bill, and are continuing to grow as a now equity partner with Catalyst Holdings.

"Everyone on board has helped us tremendously over the past seven months with scaling our business literally from zero all the way up to 40K a month within the span of seven months."

Ioan Popov, co founder of Optimability